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lørdag 10. februar 2024

Agendaen 2


The globalists are pushing hard to build Smart Cities all over the world. In The Netherlands (Europe), for example, the government recently ordered the elimination of 3,000 farms so they can seize the farmland.42 They claim this is needed to "save the planet" from climate change. Apparently, farms and their green grasslands are responsible for destroying the climate. At the same time, official plans have been revealed for building a monstrous Smart City that will turn most of The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium into one massi

The plan is to turn the beautiful Netherlands into one giant Smart City. This gorgeous country, known for its wide-open landscapes with windmills, tulips, creeks, boats, and grazing cows, will be called "Holland City"

This agenda is being rolled out worldwide, and the goal is to turn every city into a Smart City, be it North or South America, Asia, Europe, or Africa. What is the agenda behind this? Simple: money, power, and control. Data harvesting technologies will be used to gather astronomical amounts of personal data from every resident, which is considered the new wealth of the future. Whereas in the past, land or gold was considered the most precious asset, today it is data. The more personal data the global corporations gather from humanity, the more power they will have. Bill Gates, for example, has invested in the purchase of 24,800 acres of land in Arizona, for building a Smart City that can house 80,000 people. This city will be centered around data centers where all the personal information of residents will be stored.44

This chart shows how major cities in Latin America
are being turned into Smart Cities.

smart cities latin america

An example: in Rio de Janeiro, 450,000 street lights will be replaced with LED lights that are concealed surveillance and data collection devices, as well as mind control apparatuses that can alter the mood and behavior of people.44A According to the former Chilean president Sebastian Pinera, 5G is not only able to read our thoughts and emotions, but it can also insert thoughts and emotions. He adds that 5G will become the central nervous system of society, and authorities will make sure it reaches every home.45 In other words: everyone living in Smart Cities will not only constantly be monitored - with all their thoughts, emotions and dreams recorded - but they can also be turned into perfectly obedient citizens by the insertion of desired thoughts and feelings. "Most of what we think is vanity anyway", Pinera concludes...


cyborg transhumanisme

The World Economic Forum promotes the Fourth Industrial Revolution, meaning that all life on earth must be transformed into a digital experience - even the expression of humanity itself. During the yearly conference in Davos, WEF advisor Professor Yuval Noah Harari made the following statement:

"In the near future, humanity will be ruled by entities that are more different from us than we are from chimpanzees."

He goes on to say that the elites will be turned into humanoid robots that will far exceed the capabilities of the rest of humanity, making them like gods that will rule over the entire world. Harari calls them "Homo Deus" or the "God Man". These are his very own words. Although the remainder of humanity may not become as advanced as these supreme elitist humanoids, they will also be merged with technology. This will supposedly make life easier and better, but the real-life consequence is that people will have a physical connection to the cloud, with artificial intelligence having full access to their entire body - including their nervous system and brain. As Yuval Harari says:

"We are entering the era where surveillance will no longer be outside of us, but it will be under our skin."

They envision artificial intelligence becoming the director of our lives, because it will know us better than we know ourselves. People will no longer need to seek wisdom or divine guidance for critical decisions, but A.I. will tell us everything we need to know. I.e., who to marry, where to live, what to buy, who to vote for, and everything else in our lives. It will gain this knowledge through the 24/7 omnipresent surveillance technologies recording even the smallest of details about us.45

In a sense, A.I. will become the new 'God': it will be omnipresent and know everything about everyone.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution will cause "significant job losses", says Klaus Schwab in his book45B, while research shows that no less than 30% of all jobs could be lost to automation45C. Doctors, lawyers, drivers, teachers, ministers, pilots, etc., can all easily be replaced by A.I. It will drive our cars, write our books, create our paintings, compose our music, teach our children, give sermons to our churches, defend us in court, and so on.46  A.I. will be better at everything, they say. And no, that is not a scenario for a science fiction movie. Ads on social media already abound, telling us to let A.I. create our paintings, write our books, and guide our businesses. 

Finally, Klaus Schwab makes it clear that humanity will be genetically edited to "enhance" us.47 As any informed person today knows, genetically modified organisms are far less healthy and even pose dangers to human health. Conscious people seek to avoid GMO foods, because the original life forms are so much better. Yet now they plan to genetically modify all of humanity...


The magic phrase for forcing humanity into Smart Cities is "climate change".48 The globalists claim that the climate is out of order because people travel too far from their homes and have too many outdoor activities that cause harmful emission of CO2. That's why they want to add trackers in all of our phones and clothes, and eventually inside our bodies - to monitor the amount of carbon we are emitting.49

 Never mind the countless factories they have erected and are still erecting, that emit unimaginable amounts of toxic gases. Never mind the mega-cities they want to build to replace green pastures. Never mind that these billionaires all use private jets that emit insane amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. 

So apparently, it's not the cutting down of trillions of trees, destruction of rural countryside, or the building of monstrous Smart Cities that is bad for the environment. Oh, no - it's the people who want to visit their families, enjoy a day at the beach, or hike in the mountains. That is what destroys climate! Therefore, they plan to forbid private car ownership.50 Cars should be shared among each other - one car for the whole neighborhood. 

But wait... who are these people again, making these statements? Oh, yes, right - they are the same billionaires who each have several private jets and a vast collection of cars.


The infamous World Economic Forum wheel shows the end goal of the Great Reset, or the radical overhauling of every aspect of human existence: total world domination. 

On this wheel we see the following topics:

✔︎ Global Governance 

✔︎ Corporate Governance 

✔︎ Internet Governance 

✔︎ Digital Identity 

✔︎ Digital Economy

This officially published and widely promoted World Economic Forum wheel makes it crystal clear what their objective is: to establish full control over the world, including all corporations, all information, all money and all people.51

They also want to connect every person on earth to a "Digital Identity", which will include their vaccination status. 

All who are not up to date with their umpteenth booster injection can be excluded from banking, the internet, health care, working, transportation, gathering, and so on.52 We saw test runs for this during the first pandemic - only the vaccinated were allowed to travel; in Israel, the unvaccinated could not enter supermarkets; in Nigeria, unvaccinated people could not access banking services. The same was tested in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, The Netherlands, and other countries. Countless people lost their jobs because they were not fully vaccinated. In Brazil, President Lula has stated that only fully vaccinated people can receive financial child support.

What does it mean to be "fully vaccinated"? It means that several times a year you are required to get any and all new shots being offered by the government. Missing just one shot, even if you've had twenty already, throws you back to the status of being an "unvaccinated" individual with no rights.53

A small group of very wealthy people regularly gather at the World Economic Forum to radically transform every aspect of human existence on earth, outside of any form of democratic process. 

This includes promoting pedophilia as a 'natural sexual preference' and making sure that little children have sexual partners at the youngest age possible (see this report); pushing the worldwide transgender movement; removing all private possession; limiting overall movement of the public; recording every little detail of every person's personal life; inserting thoughts and feelings into everyone; replacing healthy food with GMO insects and synthetic lab grown meat; forbidding people from growing their own food; spraying dangerous toxins in the atmosphere to block the sunlight; genetically engineering humanity; turning everyone into a cyborg connected to the cloud and controlled by A.I.; making artificial intelligence the new god of this world who tells everyone what to do; replacing the majority of jobs with robots and A.I.; creating a new breed of superhuman humanoids that will rule over humanity; making shopping, gathering, schooling, etc. happen online; encouraging humanity to spend their life in virtual digital realms; installing social credit scores that punish those who don't blindly obey; making ongoing injections with cocktails of undisclosed toxins the requirement for participation in society; installing financial systems that forbid the gathering of wealth and control how much money people can receive or send; censoring all information that questions any of this, and so on, and so on, and so on.


During the pandemic we have seen how utterly insane these billionaires are, by the way they imposed - quite literally - mind-blowing craziness on the world population. Here are a few illustrations of what the world looks like when these lunatics run the show...

Little children, who are at no risk for covid whatsoever (in most nations not a single child died of covid), are forced to wear masks all day long, even when playing outdoors.

children masks

Below is a perfect example of what happens when people are forbidden to use common sense, and are told to blindly follow orders.

masks reiner fuellmich evidence

People entering a restaurant with masks on, taking them off at the table, putting them back on when going to the toilet, taking them back off at the table, putting them back on when leaving, and so on.

no mask table

People wearing a mask while swimming out in the open ocean, or running all alone in nature, or driving all by themselves in a car... 

swimming ocean face mask

Meanwhile Anthony Fauci...

Destroying male and female sexuality, while aggressively imposing devastating identity confusion on humanity, under the guise of "inclusion". 

The above statue was made for the Gender Museum in Denmark.

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